marți, 21 februarie 2012

Osho-citate in engleza

BEING unique is everybody’s nature, being special is relative. When you start feeling that you are special you are comparing yourself with somebody. Special: in comparison to somebody; unique: there is no comparison. Unique means you are alone as you are – how can you be compared? You cannot compare a car with an elephant. They are so different, how can you compare? Each individual is so different from any other individual that there is no possibility of comparing. Uniqueness is everybody’s nature, but specialness is comparative. Uniqueness is spiritual, specialness is political. When you claim that you are special you are claiming that you are higher, superior to others; that others are lower. inferior to you. You bring the other in when you use the word ’special’ and this is violent. To compare yourself with somebody in any way is violent because he is he and you are you and you are both so different. The very idea of comparing is stupid. Osho


Each moment of life is gratitude

The moment one is capable of feeling grateful for both pain and pleasure, without any distinction, without any choice, simply feeling grateful for whatsoever is given… Because if it is given by Existence it must have a reason in it. We may like it, we may not like it, but it must be needed for our growth. Winter and summer are both needed for growth. Once this idea settles in the heart, then each moment of life is of gratitude. Let this become your meditation and prayer: thank Existence every moment–for laughter, for tears, for everything. Then you will see a silence arising in your heart that you have not known before. That is bliss. Osho


Our mind is a chooser; that’s why the problem arises. Remain choiceless. And whatsoever happens and wherever you are, right or left, in the middle or not in the middle, enjoy the moment in its totality. While happy, dance, sing, play music — be happy! And when sadness comes, which is bound to come, which is coming, which has to come, which is inevitable, you cannot avoid it… if you try to avoid it you will have to destroy the very possibility of happiness. The day cannot be without the night, and the summer cannot be without the winter, and life cannot be without death. Osho


The modern mind has lost all capacity to wonder. It has lost all capacity to look into the mysterious, into the miraculous - because of knowledge, because it thinks it knows. Osho


Be thankful for what has been given to you — and life is giving you so much that your thankfulness is always going to fall short. But the thankful heart grows easily; with gratitude, you are nourished. You become stronger in moving towards the unknown. Except gratitude, there is no other prayer. Osho


All that this world needs is a good cleansing of the heart of all the inhibitions of the past. And laughter and tears can do both. Tears will take out all the agony that is hidden inside you and laughter will take all that is preventing your ecstasy. Once you have learned the art you will be immensely surprised.



Life is a play, a playfulness.
There is no God and there has never been.
And man's freedom is absolute. He need not worship anybody, he has only to discover his own potential, his own creativity. What can he do? It is not a question of Who am I? The question is, What can I do? What I can be? As far as who I am, that has already happened. I am. Now the question is, What should I do? Should I be a singer, a dancer, a poet, a mystic, a lover? A man of peace, of great depths, a man of immense silence and joy?



Life is a woman. Try to understand life and you will become a mess. Forget all about understanding. Just live it and you will understand it. The understanding is not going to be intellectual, theoretical; the understanding is going to be total. The understanding is not going to be verbal; it is going to be non-verbal. That is the meaning when we say life is a mystery. It can be lived but it cannot be solved.



Meditation is a way of settling in oneself, at the innermost core of your being. Once you have found the center of your existence, you will have found both the roots and the wings. The roots are in existence, making you a more integrated human being, an individual. And the wings are in the fragrance that is released by being in contact with existence. The fragrance consists of freedom, love, compassion, authenticity, sincerity, a sense of humor, and a tremendous feeling of blissfulness. The roots make you an individual, and the wings give you the freedom to love, to be creative, to share unconditionally the joy that you have found. The roots and wings come together. They are two sides of one experience, and that experience is finding the center of your being. We are continuously moving on the circumference, always somewhere else far away from our own being, always directed towards others. When all this is dropped, when all objects are dropped, when you close your eyes to all that is not you – even your mind, your heartbeats are left far behind – only a silence remains. In this silence you will settle slowly into the center of your being, and then the roots will grow on their own accord, and the wings too. You need not worry about them. You cannot do anything about them. They come on their own. You simply fulfill one condition: that is, to be at home – and the whole existence becomes a bliss to you, a benediction. Osho


“The Taoist attitude is to go with life- to go all the way, without any conditions. Wherever life leads, go with it. You come from life, you are part of life, so how could life harm you? There is no need to be afraid.”


Existence needs everybody the way he is. Never try to be somebody else. BE YOURSELF - because existence needs you the way you are. You fit exactly as you are. Osho


Feel as grateful to existence as possible – for small things, not only for great things…just for sheer breathing. We don’t have any claim on existence, so whatever is given is a gift.

Grow more and more in gratitude and thankfulness; let it become your very style. Be grateful to everybody. If one understands gratitude, then one is grateful for things that have been done positively. And one even feels grateful for things that could have been done but were not done. You feel grateful that somebody helped you – this is just the beginning. Then you start feeling grateful that somebody has not harmed you – he could have; it was kind of him not to.

Once you understand the feeling of gratitude and allow it to sink deeply within you, you will start feeling grateful for everything. And the more grateful you are, the less complaining, rumbling. Once complaining disappears, misery disappears. It exists without complaints. It is hooked with complaints and with the complaining mind. Misery is impossible with gratefulness. This is one of the most important secrets to learn.



Life means abundance, richness, in every possible dimension. Just look at existence. Do you think it is poor? Look at the millions of flowers, their fragrance; look at the millions of stars. Man has not been able yet to count them, and I don't think he is ever going to be able to count them. With your bare, naked eye you only see, at the most, three thousand stars - and that's nothing. And these stars are expanding. Just as a flower opens up and the petals start going away from the center, the universe is continuously flowering, blossoming, opening - and with a tremendous speed. The stars are going farther away from the center. We don't know exactly where the center is; but one thing is certain, that the whole universe is running fast, moving, alive.

I am all for richness in every possible way. And remember that richness is possible only if you allow it in all the ways.

Do not be deceived by the old idea that you will be spiritually rich if you starve your body; if you physically torture your body you will be spiritually rich - no. It is absolutely unscientific. I have seen people who have tortured their body their whole life, but I have not seen their soul being enriched by it. In fact their soul has died long ago.

Your body and soul are not enemies. They live in harmony.

You are a harmonious whole. Everything is integrated with everything else. You cannot make one part rich and another part poor. The whole becomes affected, becomes either poor or rich. You have to accept your wholeness.



Love can arise only in the climate of trust. When you are full of doubts love is impossible. Doubt belongs to the mind and trust belongs to the heart. Being full of doubts mean s you are full of mind, and there is no space for the heart to grow. Being full of trust means you have emptied yourself of the mind, its doubts, and questions; then there is enough space for the heart to grow.

And remember one fundamental law of life, that the gross is stronger than the subtle, that the lower is stronger than the higher — stronger in the sense that it has more destructive power. The higher is stronger in a totally different sense; it has more creative force but it is not destructive. Mind is a gross phenomenon. Heart is subtle, delicate, soft, feminine. Mind is male, aggressive, ambitious, destructive; mind has not created anything.

All that has been created — great poetry, great music, great paintings — all belongs to the heart. And love is the highest creation of the heart, but for that rose to grow you have to pull out all the weeds. Weeds are very strong people. They grow on their own — that is the first thing — you need not sow Roses don’t grow on their own; you have to plant them and protect them — they are delicate people. And if you leave it to nature then the roses will be crushed, destroyed. and the weeds will overpower everything. The same is true about the inner world.


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