Acest grup este pentru toti cei care doresc sa evolueze prin tantra (arta de a iubi si de a face dragoste).
Aici vom impartasi atat din experientele personale cat si din informatii despre arta de a iubi si de a face dragoste.
"Tinzând către Infinit, TANTRA ne propulsează cu mult dincolo de toate acestea şi ne propune o veritabilă „meditaţie beatifică în cuplu”. Atunci, între cei doi se poate stabili un contact infinit mai profund în unitatea cuplului şi tocmai, de aceea, ei ajung să transceandă planurile inferioare ale conştiinţei obişnuite. A atinge un alt nivel de conştiinţă prin fuziune telepatică cu conştiinţa celuilalt, iată ceva uşor realizabil care, la prima vedere, pare misterios."
Pentru cei care au cont de yahoo a invit sa intrati pe grupul de tantra aici:
Pentru cei care au cont de facebook va invit sa intrati pe grupul de tantra aici:
Va multumesc. Va iubesc. Namaste.
The man [sees] the woman as a goddess The woman [sees] the man as a god. By joining the diamond scepter and lotus, They should make offerings to each other. There is no worship apart from this. ... Candamaharosana-tantra
Tantra says: There is joy in sex and there is frustration in sex. Because the moment of orgasm is very small. That moment can become very deep, that moment can remain there for hours. That moment, once you know the art of remaining in it, surround you twenty-four hours.
Tantra transforms sex.. It does not choose between the fascination and the frustration, it transcends both.
It uses sex as a key. And it is a key -- because all life comes through it, all flowers bloom through it and all birds sing through it. All that you see around you, the green and the red and the gold, all comes through sex and is sex energy.
all the poetry and all the songs and all the music is rooted in sex-energy. All art, all creativity, is nothing but an expression of sex.
Tantra transforms sex.. It does not choose between the fascination and the frustration, it transcends both.
It uses sex as a key. And it is a key -- because all life comes through it, all flowers bloom through it and all birds sing through it. All that you see around you, the green and the red and the gold, all comes through sex and is sex energy.
all the poetry and all the songs and all the music is rooted in sex-energy. All art, all creativity, is nothing but an expression of sex.
"Tantra is the science of transforming ordinary Lovers into Soul Mates" Osho
You have to drop all your defenses, only then is intimacy possible. We are all hiding a thousand and on things, not only from others but from ourselves. Osho
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